Michael Holtmann has taken up on June 1, 2015, the position of CEO and sole managing director of the family company WILHELM BAHMUELLER Maschinenbau Praezisions-werkzeuge GmbH. He will lead the company as Managing Director with overall responsibility for the next decade and future-oriented at the then planned generational change by Christoph Bahmueller. Shareholders and Advisory Board are pleased that, after a short and consensual decision-making process an excellent, internationally experienced and SME embossed entrepreneur could be won. Michael Holtmann (52) has a master degree in mechanical engineering and industrial engineering and had prior a successful career in management in the areas of sales, development and management of several well known, international operating high-tech companies in the mechanical and automation engineering. He has an outstanding reputation as an expert in special machinery and equipment manufacturing and automation-technology equipment and embodies the strategy of a healthy further development through continuity and innovation. Together with the management team and all employees Michael Holtmann is to secure and to expand the technological leadership and the excellent market position of BAHMUELLER.